Roles and Responsibilities
For any questions related to manager roles and responsibilities, please contact our Manager Mentor.
In addition to the roles and responsibilities listed below, it is important that you communicate regularly with parents and remember that you must make sure the dressing rooms are left in good and clean condition after each game.
Note : A person can only be assigned manager to ONE team
- Cancellations Due to Weather (All Practices and U7/U9 Games or Practices for U11 to U18) : Can be done on the day of, preferably by text or by email
- All other cancellations (If your team is away etc.): Please cancel as soon as possible, at least 48 hours in advance. If at all possible before the request cut off day, that is Wednesday of each week, for the following week.
- All other ice booking : as soon as possible, at least 48 hours in advance. If at all possible before the request cut off day, that is Wednesday of each week, for the following week
- Ice switch : communicate with the team you want to switch with by email, once confirmed, please forward the email to our Scheduler
- For games cancellation (U11 to U18) please become familiar with the official NSMHL Policy. Also let our Scheduler know, preferably by text or by email
Please contact our Scheduler for any additional information.
Score Sheets
For HOME games,
The GameSheet Application will be used for scoring home games. you will be responsible to get your team's roster properly filled and signed, also get the away team's roster properly filled and signed, and get the IPad to the timekeeper.
We will still use paper sheets as a backup.
in that scenario, properly fill in game sheets. After HOME games the ORIGINAL (white copy) must be brought to the minor hockey office either in Campbellton or Dalhousie before 6 pm on Sunday. This sheet can be slid under the door if the office is vacant. When you have a “HOME” game, you are responsible to turn in the white game sheet. (The colored copy is for the team’s Records).
If you are unable to turn in the white sheet on time-please send in a picture of it with your phone by email or text to our Scheduler (preferably text). Original copy must still be turned in as soon as possible.
Failure to send the scoresheet before the deadline will result in a $25 fine payable by the team.
For AWAY games,
properly fill in the game sheets
Tournament Cheque Request
When registering for tournaments, if you need a cheque from the association, please add the tournament from your team's page. Plan at least 48h wait for cheque request.
Association Maximum Budget for Away tournaments:
The association will cover fees associated with attending tournaments according to the following formula:
- U7- 1x the registration fee of home tournament
- U9- 2x the registration fee of home tournament
- U11-u18- 3x the registration fee of home tournament
See home tournament registration fees here
If your team would like to participate in any tournaments that would bring the team above the budget that the association covers, it is the teams responsibility to cover the extra costs by splitting the cost between each player or team fundraiser. Please abide by the team fundraiser rules in the fundraising section.
Please remember when attending tournaments your team CANNOT go over the allowable games outlined in the HNB operation manual, which can be found here
U7- max of 20 games (includes jamborees)
U9- max of 40 games (includes jamborees)
U11- max of 45 games (includes tournaments but excludes league/provincial playoffs)
NOTE : Once registered for the tournaments online, please notify our treasurer here.
Bench Staff Information
Please send your bench staff information to our Registrar, Including the complete name and Birthdate of Coach, assistant coaches, manager, trainer, and volunteers. Keep in mind all levels Atom and above need a trainer. If no one has their course, ask for a volunteer to fill this spot and they will have to complete the training course. Coaches and assistant coaches including anyone getting on the ice with (other than volunteers 16 years of age and under) need to have their coach level 1 and coach level 2. All rostered bench staff also need a vulnerable sector check. The form to apply for this, directly at the RCMP station, is below. If the bench staff is missing courses/forms/checks, it is your responsibility to advise and remind them if necessary. All courses can be found on the ehockey website.
In case of unavailability, parent volunteers (other than manager/trainer) will need to be trained for timekeeping.
Following link has all the certifications needed for the different volunteers and parents
Travel Permit
All teams require a travel permit for all tournament except the home one and for any games that are not in the NSMHL Schedule (Atom to Midget), Home or Away. To obtain one, please find that they are available online on the HCR website. go to My Account > Members, and there should be a tab on the far right for travel permits.

for more information on travel permits, consult section 21 of HNB operation manual
If you have any questions please contact our Manager Mentor.
With your team and in collaboration with the Scheduler, book your ice and your photographer only if this is something your team is interested in.
The only fundraising you are allowed to do as a team are a 50/50 at your home games, a collection jar (ie; parents collect .25 cents/goal) and a FlipGive account. You are responsible to organize this and delegate to other parents on a schedule of your choice.
If you are doing a 50/50 or collection jar for your team it is also your responsibility as a manager to keep the parents updated on the teams finances.
Important Websites
Familiarize yourself with the RNMHA, NSMHL, and HNB websites. This is where you will find the links to information you will possibly need throughout your season as a manager, such as The Minimum Standards of Disipline, RNMHA constitution, HNB constitution etc.
Vulnerable Sector Check and Criminal Record Check
Print this letter and bring it to the local RCMP office to get the Vulnerable Sector Check and Criminal Record Check process started.
- 2021-22 CRC request updated - bilingue.pdf(164.07 KB)
Respect in Sports for Hockey Canada parents
Course can be taken here:
If you've already taken the course before, you may need to add child to you profile by following these steps:
- Login to the Respect Group Inc. site:
- Choose “Profile” from top horizontal menu, then "Child Management” in the Profile page.
- Click the “Add Child” button at bottom of page.
- Add child’s coordinates and save.
Screenshots are included in the document below.
Medical Information Sheets
Managers are responsible for having a medical information sheet for all players on their team at all times.
- Medical Information Sheet (English)(248.85 KB)
- Medical Information Sheet (French)(602.4 KB)
If you need the association to make an announcement, that your team won a banner, tournament, or any other type of announcement, please email the association, and they will evaluate your request and post on the association website news and social media.
Vikings Logo
The use of the vikings logo is prohibited unless approved by the association, especially for items like clothing articles.