Payment Options

Registrations must be paid in full before stepping on the ice. If you need to make financial arrangements, do not hesitate to contact us.

If you require financial assistance, it is recommended that you apply for KidSportJumpstart or the Hockey Canada Foundation's Assist Fund as soon as possible, ideally before registering. 

If you have any questions about the registration process, please do not hesitate to contact us.

1. Credit Card

To pay by credit card:

  • Go to your account page
  • Click to view your current registration
  • Click the "Pay online" button

2. e-Transfer

Our account is set up with auto-deposit, so you should only need the following:

If your bank still requires a security question and answer, here are the instructions:

Please note that some banks have a daily maximum e-Transfer amount and may require multiple transfers to pay in full.

3. Mail Cheques

Send cheque payable to RNMHA. Must not be post-dated later than September 30th, 2023 and mail cheque to:

44 blvd Salmon blvd
C.P. (Box) 1074
Campbellton, NB
E3N 3H4 

Thanks to our Sponsors!

Find out more about our sponsorship packages or contact us to learn how to sponsor and support minor hockey.