Recent News
2025 Annual General Meeting

Restigouche North will be hosting its Annual General Meeting on April 22nd at 6:00 at the Campbellton Civic Center Board Room. This meeting is opened to the public and all are encouraged to attend.
There are various board positions that are up for renewal or that will be vacant as of the AGM.
Renewal Positions:
VP of Technical Affairs
Fundraising Director
Tournament Director
Manager Mentor
U18 Rec Legacy Tournament Winners

U18 Rec Legacy attended the 10e Tournoi M-18 "Bobby Ferguson Tracadie last weekend and took home the banner! Congratulations U18 Rec Legacy!
Causapscal Tournament Winners

Congratulations to U13 Comp Haché who took home the banner at the U13A Causapscal Invitational Tournament two weekends ago! Way to go team!
Kent-Sud U11 Tournament Winners

Congratulations to U11 Comp A Haché who took home gold at the Kent Sud tournament this past weekend!
Tournament Winners

Congratulations to RNMHA’s U15 Comp Lavigne team for winning the